Monday, October 17, 2016

Trump Unhinged

 Recently i have heard and seen all over the internet  a lot of"the system is rigged against trump"b.s.....why do i call it bs?well lets go back.when trump began his campaign,he got billions and billions of dollars worth of free airtime,he even plugged his fake products in these photo ops.he got to lie,and flat out smear his gop opponents,and the media helped him.know,trump has been caught with his feet in his mouth and with his pants down and he is no longer the golden child....he no longer gets a free he does what any entitled golden boy does,he Whines.oh,the system is rigged,it is a conspiracy with the Jews....if the vote is rigged,history shows it is the republicans who have rigged it...gerrymandering,voter suppression...and now voter intimidation..people in Arizona are being told if he loses the people who voted for Hillary will be exposed and there will be letters sent to there neighbors telling them they voted against Donald.wanna be brown shirts talking about "monitoring the polls"by intimidating voters by showing them there weapons,and by menacing them.any one with half a good grip on history knows where Donald got this idea...his favorite historical figure Hitler.
   Then there is this "second amendment option".we heard it on mike penances rally.....if trump loses it is time for a,if trump wins it is....then there is the other favorite..lets kill Hillary...never before in American history has one party openly called for an assassination of the other party`s candidate.and what is worse,the leaders go with it....they are in my opinion,gone beyond being just political,they have become a terrorist group.and ,lord forbid if it happens,some trump brainwashed idiot does it...all republican leaders should be prosecuted for being leaders of a terrorist group.and be held accountable.and trump should be tried and charged as a terrorist,and a Russian agent.
    Then there is the wiki leak vs the trump scandal......trump was caught on tape making some comments that in any other time in our countries history would have disqualified him,but today with the brainwashed masses,it is nothing....i mean he even talked about getting it on with a ten year old....{and he is going to court to answer to child rap charges}...and yet,they think his actions are less serious than Hillary.....i do not get it....and of all things your leaks..a now well documented RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA TOOL....thirty years ago if trump ran with a Russian handler,and with Russian interference,and propaganda,he would be disqualified by his party,and handed over for treason.but,now,it matters not.....
  Finally my thoughts......anyone who is so brainwashed that they believe every wiki leak document,or everything trump says as the truth...or believes that "god ordained trump to guide America".....please seek intermediate mental health help....
   but it is not just these things that makes me see trump as a twisted,unhinged is his racism....his treatment of women....and his anger....a man like this should never be allowed near the white house.