Sunday, July 24, 2016

Donald Trump -the danger of hate and ignorance

I like most people watched the laughable parade of the republican national commite....and i became more horrified than ever.the Hitler salute....the hate,the isolationist ideas.more tax cuts for the rich....d
 and i also became worried about our allies....he basically said to Brittan,France,japan that your on your own.this is no time for isolationist ideas.this is a time when such ideas will lead to world war three.Russia is on the move it has violated the sovereignty of several nato members air,sea and land.and it invaded the American president could stand there and say this,if he does this...he will be responsible for a new world war.
 then there is the dark picture he painted.....America a loser,America is failed.....the truth is America is actually having a golden,it is not perfect.and fanning the flames of racism,and hate has hurt this country.and a trump presidency will cause civil unrest at best,and a civil war at its worst.this man has no clue.he is worse than George bush.and America has the wolds best military...but if you listen to trump we are worse then the french.
 then there is the Nazi white supremacist undertones........the Nazi salute....the  constant racism..and can anyone believe a man like this is good for our country?his rallies are more less kkk and Nazi rallies.
 then there is his economic plan...he claims it will make America would cause a economic depression,and most agree we would hemorrhage jobs.a clueless man who calls himself the bankruptcy king has no place at the table of economic planing.

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